We would like to list all the sources where we gathered the information for this blog and will do so, but the blog is still a work in progress so please be patient while we sort out all the details and get all the info typed onto this blog.
This blog is not for profit, just for resource, for fun and for education
(I mean how often can you find references for education and read some interesting and exciting stories all in one place)
We just happen to love old stories and wanted to share them but also we know the study of these stories can be used in assignments for some school and college classes so we figured we put it all into one.
The largest and best resource is and always will be most public libraries, or in North America, The Library of Congress.
Since not everyone can get to the library of Congress, you really should check out a few libraries in your area, they are autheniticated, verified, resources and a place to read stories for free, and unfortuantely many libraries are suffering do to cuts in funds from a decline in use of libraries.
It would be a shame to see libraries disappear or become smaller and smaller and lose their original purpose of providing education tools and entertaining stories for free.
Libraries that give you free items and allow you to borrow them for long periods with little to no cost is a lucky thing and I think a thing Americans underappreciate.
Anyway, give us time, we'll get it all set up
The Bloggers of My Myths, Legends, and Fairy Tale Blog